Fun Agility Class

Fun Agility is a great way to spend time with your dog

Working together as a team to complete an agility course takes good handling and communication skills and is a great way to physically and mentally stimulate your dog.

Learn in a fun, safe environment, and find out how you can help your dog master the obstacles!

Our classes are suitable for dogs of all ages and abilities, and they are adjusted for puppies to ensure their safety at all times.

In a Fun Agility Class, your dog will learn how to negotiate different obstacles, such as tunnels, jumps, and weave poles.

They will also learn essential skills such as focus and self-control. These classes are a great way to socialise your dog and give them an outlet for their energy.

If you're looking for a fun way to bond with your dog and give them some exercise, then agility class is a great option!

Some of our very first star pupils